Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
BIOJAM HG is the leading company in the Iberian market for the treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, which affects primarily children and young adults.
BIOJAM and NOVA Labs have worked closely together to bring further innovation to the market. Our focus has been on providing a differentiated way of medicine administration, which was initially developed for adults. In addition to medicine for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, which impacts mostly children and young adults and, therefore, requires dosages adapted to the patient’s body weight, our research has focused on other oncological pathologies with similar needs. Our primary goal is to provide accurate and easy treatment for those parts of the population where the standard oral solid pharmaceutical forms are not a solution.

Sterile, Pyrogen-Free Solution
Class III
The device is used for the preservation of organs with venous or arterial segments for the transplant: heart, kidney, liver, pancreas.
The Servator® H prolongs the ischemic tolerance of the organ subjected to protection with
two mechanisms:
- The energy demand by the protected body is reduced to minimum possible levels thanks to the electrolytic composition of the solution;
- The production of anaerobic energy is limited in the inhibition of glycolysis due to decrease in pH resulting from the accumulation of lactic acid;
During the procedure, cold ischemia inevitably occurs when the organ is removed to the donor’s body and placed in ice and lasts as long as the organ is preserved.
Hypothermia is an essential factor for the organs’ protection and is obtained by flushing the organ through the artery with Servator® H.
It is a cold solution that contains electrolytes and nutrients useful to support the cellular needs of the organ that is found temporarily housed in a transport system.
The device can be used only by medical staff properly trained to its use, in accordance with established operating protocols.




Sterile, Pyrogen-Free Solution
Class III
Servator® C Solution is a clear to light yellow, single use only, sterile (by steam sterilization) and pyrogenfree for hypothermic cardiac flushing and storage in preparation for transportation and eventual transplantation of thoracic organs, as heart and lung, as well as abdominal organs, as kidney, liver, and pancreas, during transplantation.
The Servator® C Solution is designed to reduce metabolism and oxygen demands of the organ and is able to extend storage time by minimizing the intrinsic damage of ischemia and reperfusion. It is made up of electrolytes and nutrients and has dual purpose:
- Prevent the action of energy consumption process;
- Mimic the composition of the cellular fluid on order to keep the tissues vital and satisfy the organ’s cellular need for the entire storage time.
At a temperature of 2°C – 8°C (36°F – 46°F), Servator® C Solution is used to flush the isolated organ immediately before/after removal from a dead donor or closely after removal from a living donor.
The use of this medical device at the recommended temperatures allows an effective cooling of the organ.
The Solution remains in the organ vessels during hypothermic storage and transportation.
The Servator® C Solution can be used only by medical staff properly trained to its use, in accordance with established operating protocols.



