Carlos Monteiro (CEO Biojam HG) interviewed by TSF about COVID-19 Saliva tests


Carlos Monteiro (CEO of Biojam Holding Group) answered some questions related to the NEW COVID-19 Saliva tests.

Listen to the full interview here.

TSF - Companies and Business Program
Saliva COVID-19 Tests (PCL SPIT)

Some of the questions that are answered in this interview.

- What does the rapid saliva test consist of?

- What is the difference and advantage compared to conventional antigen tests?

- In terms of performance, do the tests meet the criteria defined by the DGS (sensitivity greater than or equal to 90% and specificity greater than or equal to 97%)?

- Have the tests already been authorized by Infarmed?

- Have usage guidelines been defined or are the same ones for antigen tests applicable?

- Could these new saliva tests replace conventional antigen tests that are being used on a large scale through the CVP?

- Are the tests already being marketed? If yes, where can they be purchased?

- Where can the test be taken?

- Can the saliva test also be prescribed and reimbursed by the SNS?

- Being a non-invasive saliva test, can it be purchased and performed by anyone?

- Where are the tests produced?

- Are there more companies selling this test in Portugal?

- Does Biojam have operational capacity for the acquisition and distribution of tests on a large scale in Portugal?

- What is the price of the test?